BY Michael Light / On June 19, 2016

The Real Deal最近发表了一篇题为《365app手机版下载》的文章,对于那些有兴趣在这个国家的任何365app市场上出售房屋的人来说,这本书都是一本很好的读物, but this especially holds true for sellers in South Florida.

“It’s one of those hush-hush practices that homeowners rarely hear about, but real estate agents know only too well: It’s called “buying the listing.这句话的意思是,有些经纪人非常希望你的房子能卖出去,所以不管你开什么价,他们都会接受, even if it’s outlandishly above what comparable houses are commanding. 他们知道房子以你提出的虚高价格出售的可能性很小,但他们还是接受了你的报价. They fully expect that after a few weeks with no takers, 你会清醒过来,同意可能不得不进行的一系列降价.

对一些代理商来说,购买房源是可行的,因为他们可以获得佣金。如果他们把房源输给了建议降价的竞争对手,他们就会失去这笔佣金. 此外,他们还能获得立竿见影的好处:他们的名字会被贴在你家门前的广告牌上, 他们还可以举办开放日活动,为他们带来新客户和其他房屋出售. 

But there are potentially big drawbacks for you as the seller. 定价过高的房子即使降价,也会导致几个月的滞销. Serious buyers get turned off by new listings with inflated prices, and they may not come back when the price inevitably gets reduced. At the end of the process, 你最终得到的价格可能远低于你之前实际定价时得到的价格.

点击这里 to read the full article from The Real Deal.

The Overpriced Listing

Bottom line is, do your homework. 因为他们同意你想要的价格而选择一个代理商,和因为他们衬衫的颜色或他们开的车和你一样,会给你带来同样的成功. 卖家通常会从情感角度提出价格,因为他们的家对他们来说很特别. We as agents hear this all the time…”the house next door sold for $900,000, but mine is worth $1,100,000 because my house has a better layout and custom kitchen.或者,“我知道那所房子……厨房很丑,壁橱的空间比我的房子还小,”等等. 隔壁的房子大小完全相同,而且是同一年建造的,这并不重要, 在卖家的心目中,它几乎总是不如卖家的房子,因为卖家对他/她的房子有着情感上的依恋.

The Underpriced Listing

因为卖家想要定价而给房屋定价过高,这并不是365app经纪人所做的唯一伤害. 在房价过高的另一方面,房价过低的房子呢? While interviewing an agent, 如果他们吹嘘最近以全价或高于全价出售房屋(在南佛罗里达365app市场),请小心。, or that it sold in 5 days. This is actually terrible for those other sellers. 卖得太快,或以要价出售,或以要价出售,几乎总是房屋价格过低的迹象.

The Agent Who Has 10 Listings on Your Block

你不想让你的房子定价过高或过低,所以为什么不选择一个拥有你所在街区所有房源的中介呢? You see their signs everywhere. 如果你所有的邻居都选择了一个特定的代理,他们一定是“最好的”,对吧? They may be good, but this is not a good strategy for a seller.

365app暂时假设你选择了这个“最好的”经纪人,并将你的房子定价为90万美元. 在参观你的房子的过程中,这个“最好的”经纪人从买家那里得到了价格上的折扣. 而不是回顾你的房子的所有优点,并向买家展示它的价格与附近最近的销售相比是合理的, 他们决定采取阻力最小的方式,离开你的家,带买家去他/她在这条街上以850美元的价格列出的其他房子,000 or $800,000 or $750,000 (this “best” agent does have 5, 10, 15 listings in your neighborhood that you and your home are competing with).

Is the “best” agent really going to fight to sell your home? Or, just use your listing as a reason to get more listings in your neighborhood, 在你的房源中使用开放日作为一个营销机会来吸引买家,甚至更糟, 用你的房子作为一个例子,说明其他房子的价格有多好,以便销售其他房子?

任何在这个行业工作超过5分钟的经纪人都看到了我上面提到的每一个例子. I see it all the time, and it no longer surprises me. But for sellers who may sell a home every 5-7 years or longer, 你必须找到一种方法来消除“噪音”,并对你最终选择的代理感到满意. 你必须找到一个可以与你合作的经纪人,以最好的价格出售你的房子.

What Should Sellers Ask?

How is the agent going to market your home…Personal Website? 印刷媒体? 明信片? 无人机视频? 代理愿意投入多少自己的钱来营销你的房子(如果你得到一个不可靠的答案这个问题, or the agent is not willing to put a number in writing, 当心!). 代理是否为一家在全球范围内推销你的房子的经纪公司工作(获得可靠的统计数据)?

许多代理商, especially in the Miami and Miami Beach real estate markets, engage in practices as explained in TRD article above, mainly because there are over 40,000 agents in Miami-Dade County fighting for business, 经纪人愿意告诉卖家任何他们想听的东西,只是为了让卖家把房子卖出去, but this is not effective, possibly an ethical violation and just plainly not good business!


The three P’s of real estate marketing for MOST agents:  a sign in the yard, it on the MLS…祈祷 that it sells! 我对卖家的主要建议是,不要与只使用3p策略的代理商合作!

If you are interested in selling your home or condo in South Florida, please contact Michael Light, Director of Luxury Sales at Douglas Elliman, 关于迈克尔如何推销你的房子以最好的价格出售的完整营销演示. You may reach me on my cell at (786) 566-1700, directly at my office at (305) 350-9842 or via email at


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